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hellooooo !

Because children are making life difficult not only to parents !

Why automatically buying a new blanket or a new toy when it can be repaired ?

As parents, you know,

"the" teddy is not just any teddy !

And you certainly know the crisis and the crying when his/her loved-teddy is damaged, disembowelled, eviscerated

or when it has been forgotten at daycare, in the car, or worse, lost on a walk ...

(but hey, for these things there is not much I can do)

So to help you pass through this terrible moment,

Marraine offers a teddy repair service fast and efficient,

to soothe crises and bring a smile to your minis in no time

* whenever it's possible of course, I am certainly a bit of a magician but I do not have my official magic diploma *

And for you parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles,

it is sometimes possible to give a good boost to your dear childhood stuffed animals

(repairs, grooming, stuffing or organ replacement.. almost anything is possible)


comment fonctionne l'hôpital des doudous ?

L' hôpital des doudous  est un service de réparation sur mesure pour peluches, doudous et autres jouets textiles

Je vous invite à consulter les modalités du service ci-dessous pour + d'informations

- aucun dépôt de doudou directement à l'atelier sans avoir rempli la "déclaration de soins" au préalable -

veuillez entrer en contact via le formulaire ci-dessous en renseignant le plus d'informations possibles

Marraine Au secours !!

"Mini moi est inconsolable,
Mlle ou Mr Doudou ne survivra pas aux prochaines 24h.."



in case of a “major” emergency requiring same-day admission for a “top chrono” repair,

it is possible to request a RIP : repair in immediate priority !


For 25% upcharge of the total amount of fees,

the intervention passes as maximum priority for an intervention in less than 24 hours !

(pretty convenient when mini is at daycare, at school or with grandpa's/grandma's)

en cas d'urgence «majeure» nécessitant une admission le jour même pour une réparation "top chrono",

il est possible de demander une RIP : réparation immédiate prioritaire !




Moyennant une majoration tarifaire de 25% du montant total des honoraires,

l'intervention passe alors en priorité maximale pour une intervention en moins de 24h !

(plutôt pratique quand mini est à la garderie, à l'école ou chez papi/mamie)

- voir modalités pour plus de détails -

please note that due to my maternity leave, 

the repair service of the Teddy's hospital is temporarily closed

However, you can already complete a care declaration in order to obtain an approximate quote

declaration of care
(contact for admission to hospital)

Veuillez sélectionner la/les pathologies du patient

Merci ! Marraine vous recontactera au plus vite afin de recevoir plus d'informations

would you like to see all the toys repaired SO FAR ?

I'm way behind on my TO-DO for my blog posts,

but to monitor all the patients and their interventions it's right here

you can earn 150 points if you have a teddy repaired at our hospital
registration for the loyalty program is totally free and without any obligation
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